Cat Mario Level 3. Close. Posted by 1. I feel like I achieved a future getting 100 subscribers in like 2-3 months. Play the new version of the popular adventure game - Cat Ninja 2. Try to solve different puzzles and complete the quests. Enjoy the full version of the Cat Ninja 2 game for free. Shortly after passing over the first checkpoint,and passing the pipe shortly after, in level 3 you will come across a stair case with a robot ready to yeet ur ass off the top but this can be easily jumped over. To do this is simple Step 1. On the second brick,from the pit to the left, line up moving at full speed on the right edge of the block. How to beat cat mario level 3 + cruel and unusual deaths. Cat Mario is the different version of the beloved Mario Brothers version on the standard platform. Anyway, the mission and the goal through the game remains the same, the only thing which is changed is the main character as you will come across to the fluffy white little cat instead of plumber Mario.
Syobon Action or Cat Mario is a game created by the Japanese developers in February 2007. This game is very popular over the world because the developers did a really great job to turn the traditional mario world into the most dangerous place where the objects that may seem innocent at first glance will kill you. Don’t be afraid that the game is in japanese language, just hist the first button to start playing the game. All you have to know to succeed in Cat Mario Game is two simple words : Watch Out! This game is full of hidden obstacles and traps. You may walk under the blocks and suddenly the will fall down.

Cat Mario Level 3
The greatest strategy how to succeed in Cat Mario is to remember all traps and try to reach checkpoints. Oh, I forgot to mention that the main character of this game is a small white cat and the monsters that you will find on your way are also differ from the traditional monsters of Mario World. Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy the full version of Cat Mario flash game at our website and complete all levels of this game. By the way, there are only 8 levels in this game but I bet you can hardly ever complete the first one.
Syobon Action or Cat Mario is a game created by the Japanese developers in February 2007. This game is very popular over the world because the developers did a really great job to turn the traditional mario world into the most dangerous place where the objects that may seem innocent at first glance will kill you. Don’t be afraid that the game is in japanese language, just hist the first button to start playing the game. All you have to know to succeed in Cat Mario Game is two simple words : Watch Out! This game is full of hidden obstacles and traps. You may walk under the blocks and suddenly the will fall down.
Cat Mario Como Pasar El Nivel 3
The greatest strategy how to succeed in Cat Mario is to remember all traps and try to reach checkpoints. Oh, I forgot to mention that the main character of this game is a small white cat and the monsters that you will find on your way are also differ from the traditional monsters of Mario World. Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy the full version of Cat Mario flash game at our website and complete all levels of this game. By the way, there are only 8 levels in this game but I bet you can hardly ever complete the first one.